How to become a member.
Anybody can apply to become a member of Heritage FM Inc. (107.3 HFM Radio). All membership applications will be considered and many be approved or rejected by the Committee of Management.
What benefits does voting membership offer?
- Heritage FM Inc (107.3 HFM Radio) is a member based association with major decisions voted on by the members at our Annual General Meeting (AGM). Please note subscribers and other associate members do not have voting rights.
- Members can get involved in the running of the station by joining a committee such as fundraising or programming or sponsorship
- Some of our members help with admin and the day to day operations of the station
- When we do outside broadcasts at community events, some of our members help set up or help with handing out stickers or flyers etc.
- All our on air announcers are members and so if you are interested in becoming an on air announcer, becoming a member is a great first step
- Members can also simply support the station with their membership fee, if they do not want to be more actively involved or can consider becoming a subscriber
- Becoming a member of 107.3 HFM helps support our work in your community
- Corporate Members receive 1 voting member and a minimum of 2 on air mentions daily for the entire year, so its a great way to raise awareness of your business or organization
Membership fees (Voting members):
- Ordinary Membership (Individual) – $60 P.A.
- Concession Membership (Individual) – $40 P.A.*
- Corporate Membership (Business or Organization) – $160 P.A.
(*A current Concession card must be presented to qualify for Concession Membership)
What benefits does non-voting associate membership offer?
- Associate members can support the association financially even if they do not have the time to be more involved in the running of the association.
- Associate members can always convert to a voting membership by applying to the Committee of Management and if accepted paying the difference in membership fee
- Associate members are important to the association in showing our connection to our community, which is a vital part of securing our Community Broadcast License
- Becoming an associate member of 107.3 HFM helps support our work in your community
Membership fees (Non-Voting associate members)
- Bronze Subscriber – $10
- Silver Subscriber – $30
- Gold Subscriber – $60
- Platinum Subscriber – $120